MOVE-ON is the follow-up to the MOVE (Facilitating MAES to support regional policy in OVerseas Europe: mobilizing stakeholders and pooling resources) project, which involves policy makers, researchers and civil society in the development of methodologies for mapping and assessing the state of ecosystems and their services in outermost regions (OR) and overseas countries and territories (OCT).

The ongoing work on MOVE has already shown the steps forward that are required in the implementation of MAES (Mapping and Assessing Ecosystem Services) in ORs and OCTs.

The 3 issues facing the MOVE project, which the MOVE-ON project aims to resolve, are:

  • Tailoring existing methodologies, or develop new ones, taking into account common specificities and needs
  • Providing opportunities for knowledge exchange and collaborative work
  • Promoting the involvement of decision makers in initiatives with practical relevance

MOVE-ON proposes to address these 3 issues in an integrated fashion, through the development of 4 Anchor Projects, each with multiple purposes.

Firstly, these Anchor Projects will advance MAES in a context of low development in the field – in this sense, they were chosen to cover a wide range of ecosystems (marine and terrestrial), geographical locations and scales, and to cover the complete spectrum from methodological development to decision-maker advice.

Secondly, the Anchor Projects are also opportunities for joint reflections on the methodological specificities of ORs and OCTs and as a focus where similar, ongoing initiatives could converge, creating synergies and opportunities for development at a larger scale than the initial MOVE consortium.

Finally, the Anchor Project are planned to respond to the specific needs of decision-makers, so they can bridge the gap between the technical and the political spheres.

This will be further aided by an Activity fully dedicated to looking at how the protection of environment and the improvement of the health status of ecosystems can support the achievement of EU and International policies and goals, developing and disseminating good practice guidelines and policy recommendations. 

Project locations include Macaronesia, Réunion Island, French Guiana, South Atlantic UK Overseas territories, Martinique, French Polynesia, and Mayotte.



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This project has received funding from the EU represented by European Commission
Directorate General Environment under grant agreement Nº:07.027735/2019/808239/SUB/ENV.D2

Project staff at the ɱϲ

Pierre Failler Portrait

Media ready expert

Professor Pierre Failler

Professor of Economics

Economics and Finance

Faculty of Business and Law

PhD Supervisor

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Ewan Pierre Tregarot Portrait

Mr Ewan Tregarot

Research Fellow

School of Accounting, Economics and Finance

Faculty of Business and Law

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Project co-members and institutions

  • Fundo Regional para a Ciência e a Tecnologia: Gisela Nascimento (PI), Carolina Parelho, Marta Vergilio, Artur Gil
  • Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany: Benjamin Burkhard, Ina Sieber
  • Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain: Fernando Santos Martín, Miriam Montero Hidalgo, Juan Manuel Garcia Camus 
  • NEXA – Regional Agency for Development, Investment and Innovation, La Réunion: Fanny Mazella, Cathleen Cybele
  • Université de la Réunion, La Réunion: Dominique Strasberg, Vinciane Meroux
  • Asociación Biodiversidad Atlántica y Sostenibilidad, Canary Island: Francisco Otero Ferrer, Ricardo Haroun Tabraue
  • ɱϲ, United Kingdom: Pierre Failler, Ewan Trégarot, Cindy Cornet, Gianluca Ferraro
  • WWF France, French Guiana : Clément Villien, Laurent Kelle, Yesenia Cervignon
  • Institut de Recherche pour le Développement, France : Gilbert David, Rodolphe Devillers, Rachel Bitoun
  • SAERI Falklands Limited, United Kingdom: Teresa Bowers, Tara Pelembe
  • Universitá degli Studi di Trento, Italy: Davide Geneletti, Jarumi Kato Huerta
  • Nova Blue Environment, Martinique: Jean-Philippe Maréchal

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